The engagement documents to sign up are below and sorted by county.
Step 1. Click the set for the county in which your property is located in and fill in the required fields. You will be required to verify your email to access the documents.
Step 2. Once you have verified your email, fill in the required sections for name, mailing address, appraisal district account number. If you are unsure of your account number, please refer to the value notice you received in the mail or visit your appraisal district website. Below are links for appraisal district websites.
Step 3. You are almost finished! Just click to sign the documents.
Step 4. Copies of these documents will be emailed to us and to you. Email receipt of these documents will serve as confirmation of protest filing.
If you have any questions during this process, please give us a call or text at 877-288-8297